Getting Started...
Below are our articles on the subject of Getting Started. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Choosing the Right Racket
Choose a racket to suit your ability...
How Long is it Since you Picked up a Racket?
Racket sports are a fun way to get fitter...
Introduction to Real Tennis
The fascinating phenomenon that is Real Tennis...
Racketball Versus Racquetball
Variations on a theme of speed and excitement...
String Tension Explained
Are you too highly strung on court?...
Tennis, Badminton or Squash?
Which is the racket sport for you?...
UK initiatives to Introduce Children to Racket Sports
How to get junior out on court...
What Equipment Will I Need?
Think practical when choosing your kit...
Where to Play
Where the action is...